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Jan 19 - Jan 19, 2022

Multicultural Marketing & Diversity


Multicultural Marketing & Diversity

20 Years of LGBTQ+ Marketing and Community Engagement with Target 10 (11:30am-12:10pm ET) The marketing world got a little bit bolder — and a lot more queer — when Target 10 first opened its doors in 2002, and twenty years later the agency is a leading independent and certified queer-owned LGBTQ+ marketing firm for major advertisers. Experienced in both targeted and inclusive marketing as well as consumer segment consultation, Target 10 partners with some of the best known brands in the world, from Johnson & Johnson to PepsiCo to HBO, demonstrate to LGBTQ+ consumers that they “get it and get me.†Founder and President Matt Tumminello and VP Matt Wagner will share learnings from Target 10’s two decades of experience and best practices on how to engage with this vibrant, growing audience in 2022 and beyond.