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Jan 19 - Jan 19, 2022

DE&I Roundtable Discussion: A Seat at the Table


Host Invite 
Multicultural , Women in Marketing , Beauty / Fashion
Host User
DE&I Roundtable Discussion: A Seat at the Table

The CEW Diversity & Inclusion Task Force invites you to be our guest for a CEW “Seat at The Table” roundtable conversation. Our Diversity and Inclusion forum this fall brought to light the importance of our industry ensuring collective support for women of color at every level of their career journeys in beauty. So, as part of our commitment, we are holding a roundtable discussion to inspire you and hear from you–regarding what you think, feel, and want more of–from CEW. SEAT AT THE TABLE DETAILS Join a diverse and dynamic multicultural panel of CEW’s industry leaders for an honest, candid, and interactive conversation with Q&A, about navigating the journey of success for women of color in beauty. DISCUSSION TOPICS: Beyond the “Unicorn”: Moving from Isolation to Representation Breaking Through Obstacles Finding Your Tribe Owning Your Voice/Being Seen, Heard & Understood