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Aug 03 - Aug 05, 2022




Invest in Your Future! Learn How to Apply AI Today.

MAICON is the one event you need to learn more about marketing artificial intelligence. We are bringing together the best in the industry to help you learn, grow, and accelerate your marketing AI journey.

Why? Artificial intelligence is forecasted to have trillions of dollars in annual impact. Trillions! Yet most marketers still struggle to understand AI and what it means for their organizations, careers, and clients. 

We want to give you the opportunity now to be proactive in advancing knowledge and capabilities before your competitors beat you to it. You are not behind; AI adoption is just getting started.

AI does not replace humans in most instances. AI enhances your knowledge and capabilities. MAICON was created to help marketers take the initiative to learn and experiment with AI so you can:

  • Drive revenue growth
  • Increase productivity and efficiency
  • Generate greater ROI on marketing spend

It's time to start using and scaling artificial intelligence in your marketing.

Welcome to the Marketing Artificial intelligence Conference (MAICON)

MAICON helps marketers at all levels understand AI, educate their teams, garner executive support, pilot priority AI use cases, and develop a near-term strategy for successfully scaling AI. MAICON programming is tailored for non-technical audiences. You don't need a background in analytics, data science, or programming to understand and apply what you learn.

Join hundreds of your marketing peers as we explore the next frontier in digital marketing transformation from August 3-5, 2022 in Cleveland, Ohio.