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Jan 12 - Jan 12, 2022

CFO Network Summit


CFO Network Summit

The Covid-19 pandemic changed the way that we work, live, spend, save and consume. As the U.S. takes cautious steps to emerge from the pandemic in 2022, new challenges will emerge for CFOs. Democratic leaders within the SEC and the FTC will impose new rules on the nature of climate-related risk and M&A activity respectively. Creaking supply chains will struggle through the holiday season, forcing companies to consider creative -- and often expensive -- alternatives. World leaders will continue to push a global corporate tax rate that will transform revenue recognition, accounting and audit. Institutional investors -- facing pressure from their own clients -- will intensify pressure on companies to disclose meaningful, consistent and comparable net zero emissions goals. Cryptocurrencies will continue to attract interest, enthusiasm and bemusement. All amid concerns over rising inflation rates and close scrutiny of the Federal Reserve. Join The Wall Street Journal team on January 12 to hear from leading CFOs and market participants about how they’re responding to increased expectations on ESG materiality, rising inflation, a more hostile regulatory environment for M&A, and supply chain disruption.