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Nov 07 - Nov 07, 2024

Agencies and Marketers: Align your Data and Align your Results


Agencies and Marketers: Align your Data and Align your Results

Every marketer knows that good data drives decision making; but what if the client is looking at completely different metrics and numbers than their agency?

Understanding the impact of campaigns, ads and content allows marketers to improve performance over time; but if these metrics are not connected to the ones that the brand uses to run their business, how impactful will they really be?

With more than half of marketers using agencies, but just two in five actually involving them in their data standards practices, there’s a huge opportunity for organizations to bring greater efficiency and transparency to the advertising process.

And for agencies: by proactively aligning your own data standards to the brand’s larger reporting, you can show your value not only to immediate clients but its impact across the organization. Now is the time to set out with your own data standards practices and strategies.