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Sep 26 - Sep 26, 2024

Business Breakfast: 2025 Marketing Trends


San Francisco, CA
Free Event 
Content Marketing , Digital , Insights Development , Social Media , AI/ML
Host User
Business Breakfast: 2025 Marketing Trends

Explore the Future of Marketing

Join Meltwater, LinkedIn, and Salesforce for an exclusive event that will bring together industry leaders to unravel the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the rapidly evolving world of marketing.

You will have the opportunity to explore a variety of relevant topics for your role, including:

  • 2025 Digital Trends: Delve into the most significant digital marketing trends of 2025, from emerging technologies to shifts in consumer behavior and the latest in data privacy.
  • AI in Marketing: Learn how AI will continue to transform marketing strategies, from hyper-personalization and predictive analytics to automation and real-time customer engagement.
  • Content Evolution: Discover the future of content marketing and how to create compelling, multi-channel content that resonates with diverse audiences.
  • The Future of Social Media: Explore how social media platforms will evolve, including new formats, platforms, and the integration of virtual and augmented reality.