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Aug 20 - Aug 20, 2024

What History Can Teach Us About the Future of AI Chips


What History Can Teach Us About the Future of AI Chips

The AI wave has boosted the market capitalization of chip giant Nvidia, and brought along with it a host of upstart chip developers hoping to take a piece of the firm’s lucrative pie. However, there’s much to be learned from the storied history of the semiconductor industry. Join The Information’s Amir Efrati, Executive Editor, for his conversation with Tenstorrent CEO and Apple, Intel, Tesla and AMD hardware veteran Jim Keller (formerly Apple, Intel & Tesla) about how the history of AI hardware can inform what’s coming next.

About the speakers:

  • Jim Keller is CEO of Tenstorrent and a veteran hardware engineer. Prior to joining Tenstorrent, he served two years as Senior Vice President of Intel's Silicon Engineering Group. He has held roles as Tesla's Vice President of Autopilot and Low Voltage Hardware, Corporate Vice President and Chief Cores Architect at AMD, and Vice President of Engineering and Chief Architect at P.A. Semi, which was acquired by Apple Inc. 
  • Amir Efrati helped launch The Information in 2013. His reporting on Uber's corporate practices and on the dangers and limits of self-driving vehicle development won consecutive Best in Business awards from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW) in 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively. Before The Information, he spent nine years at the Wall Street Journal.