Digitalization instead of traditionalization: The diverse, new, technological possibilities in HR are becoming the focus of HR decision-makers. But what exactly does this bring to companies? What role do digitization, networking, data play? Human resources departments in particular are affected by technological and, above all, digital change. This mainly concerns changed requirements for and more functions of HR software solutions, but also the work with other digital tools, platforms and adapted, upstream & downstream processes. Already on the 10th. Sometimes the Rethink offers! HR Tech the exclusive platform to interactively discuss current projects and innovative technologies & trends in the areas of New Work, Analytics, AI & Recruitment over 2 ½ days. More than 200 personnel decision-makers and providers from the industry evaluate use & business cases around, the latest technological trends as well as direct practical examples. The Rethink! HR Tech is designed to evaluate and discuss your personnel & technology strategy. Don't miss the opportunity to meet CHROs and HR decision-makers under one roof - We look forward to welcoming you to Berlin.