Apr 04 - Apr 04, 2024
Thursday, April 4th, 2024, A Virtual Conference
Artificial Intelligence: Accelerating Education Innovation!
"Multimodal Intelligence"
"AI in Higher Ed & Deep Learning Summit"
Thursday, April 4th, 2024
12 Noon: Eastern Time Zone
Opening Keynote Roundtable
The Great Disruptor: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the University
From its early foundation with the seminal contribution of Alan Turing and the “Turing Test” and to John McCarthy, Norbert Wiener and Marvin Minsky, known to many as the “Founding Fathers of AI,” who would have suggested that in 2023 and 2024, the entire technological world would be completely immersed and transformed by the impact of AI and ML. And in this one-day Summit, we will explore and deliberate how the arrival of Generative AI will find acceptance as well as opposition in University departments worldwide.