Jun 08 - Jun 10, 2022
BRAND CASE STUDIESWell over half of Fortune 500 Retail Brands have presented at CRMC during our 28-year history. Expect to hear from an impressive list of 20 Brands each and every year. DIVERSE EXPERT KEYNOTESTouching on a variety of high-level, strategic topics such as the future of retail, the in-store experience, the economy, and much more. Prepare to gain new insights into topics important to marketers today. DECISION-MAKERSExecutives representing nearly 200 well-known Retail Brands attend the CRMC, seeking solutions to their challenges along with new ideas and inspiration. REAL-WORLD TAKEAWAYSTopics discussed and the valuable information shared, enables Attendees to apply what they’ve learned to their own business as soon as they return to the office on Monday. PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKINGGroup Discussions, Meetups, Roundtables, Table Topics and Workshops; plus Breaks, Dinner, Lunches, and Receptions provide ample opportunities to make valuable new contacts. TOP SOLUTION PROVIDERSEnterprise and agency-sized service providers specializing in Acquisition & Retention, AI & ML, Analytics, Loyalty & Rewards, Personalization, Omnichannel, and so much more are on hand to offer guidance and solutions.