Oct 26 - Oct 26, 2023
Social media marketing can be expensive because B2B SaaS companies often struggle to convert those leads into paying customers. But that's only if you rely on third-party data and have a bad offer! Discover a framework that lets your SaaS company target and convert dream clients with social media advertising. Sponsored by Directive Consulting.
Most marketers rely on third-party data such as industry targeting in social media advertising. But it's a lot of waste on companies you can't even work with. And if you're not targeting your exact buyer with the right offer, you're not going to get the results you want to see.
Luckily there's a social media advertising framework that you can use to target your ideal SaaS clients in any B2B industry—helping you decrease CAC and increase LTV while driving sales meetings with your exact buyers. And Garrett Mehrguth, founder and CEO of Directive Consulting, is going to share it all with you.
You'll learn: