May 23 - May 25, 2022
Harness Marketing’s Power and Purpose It’s time for marketing to ignite the next revolution. We are witnessing a collective reorientation: multilayered changes stemming from rapid societal shifts, enterprise disruption, functional restructuring and evolving talent dynamics. The terrain underfoot is constantly shifting, even the most familiar norms and processes seem suddenly unfamiliar. Compounding our disorientation, our internal partners also are on the move, and we wonder whether we’re all on the same path. Marketers who take the time now to spark new ways of thinking and challenge the fundamental truths of the function — the role of customer centricity, the balance of brand and performance, investments in tech and talent — are those who will be the change agents rather than the reactors to change. Join us and hundreds of your peers at the Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo™ 2022 conference, May 23 – 25, in Aurora, CO, to hear and share the latest insights into emerging technologies, customer experience, brand strategy and more.