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Oct 19 - Oct 19, 2023

AI Bill of Rights - Ethics & the Law


Free Event 
Cookieless , Privacy , Analytics / Data , AI/ML
Host User
Digital Hollywood
AI Bill of Rights - Ethics & the Law

Artificial Intelligence: Establishing a Bill of Rights!

"AI Bill of Rights, Ethics & the Law Summit"

Thursday, October 19th, 2023

12 Noon: Eastern Time Zone

Opening Keynote Roundtable

The AI Bill of Rights: Government Agency vs. Technology Industry Self-Regulation

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM Eastern Time Zone

Session I:

Generative AI & Intellectual Property Rights of the Creative Artist

Session II:

Exploring Everyday Human Interaction with AI: The “Her” Phenomenon – Productivity vs. Dependency vs. Addiction

Attendance is Free and Online

Registration will Open - September 15, 2023

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM Eastern Time Zone

Session I:

AI & the Creative Community – Representing the Interest of Actors - Writers - Producers - Guild Members

Session II:

The Coming EU AI Act and US AI Bill of Rights: International Strategies for AI and Data Regulation

3:00 PM -3:45 PM Eastern Time Zone

Session I:

Bad Data and Identifying AI Hallucination: Signals, Red Flags, Misinterpretation and Bias

Session II:

The State of Generative AI Law: The Precedents – Cases Currently in Progress

4:00 PM -4:45 PM Eastern Time Zone

Session I:

Protection & Monetization of IP in a Generative AI Universe: Developing Software Strategies
Session II:

AI and Protecting the Enterprise: Understanding Dangers in the Enterprise-Wide AI Strategy

5:00 PM -5:45 PM Eastern Time Zone

End-of-Day Roundtables

Session I:

AI the Controversy: Innovation & Transformation vs. Threat to the Future

Session II:

Deep Dive: AI and Economic Disruption in the Entertainment & Technology Industries: Is Anyone Safe? From Actors and Writers to Code Developers