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Aug 10 - Aug 10, 2023

The State of TV Measurement 2023: The Future of Video Measurement


Free Event 
Media Measurement , TV / Streaming
Host User
The State of TV Measurement 2023: The Future of Video Measurement

The Future of Video Measurement: Harnessing Innovation to Grow Your Brand or Business

In this conversation, we’ll dive into what’s next in video measurement. We’ll equip you with an understanding of the trends, innovations and marketplace solutions we expect to see over the next 12-18 months. This discussion will help you to future-proof your brand or business and take advantage of all that modern measurement has to offer.

What you'll learn:

  • Which aspects of video measurement do we see the most change and innovation in, why, and what that means for your marketing and measurement plans.
  • Why the role of identity and privacy is central to future innovation and the ways it will evolve and impact measurement.
  • What marketers can do now to future-proof the measurement of their video campaigns.