Feb 29 - Feb 29, 2024
Following last year’s sell-out Programmatic Summits, we’re delighted to announce that in partnership with IAB Australia, the Programmatic Summits are back on February 29th (Melbourne) and March 7th 2024 (Sydney).
For eleven years now, the Programmatic Summit has educated and connected the smartest minds in the ANZ marketing and advertising industry. The most senior and influential delegates attend to learn, network and create business opportunities.
As storm clouds gather in the global economy, join us as we discuss, debate, and collaborate on what 2023 might hold in store, and how to be a smarter marketer in turbulent times.
As advertising dollars continue to flow towards automated buying and selling of ad inventory, brands, agencies, publishers and ad tech vendors need to ensure they are across the industry trends, challenges, and opportunities that underpin the programmatic market.
The programmatic summit will provide insights into how this fast-moving industry is evolving. It’s a must-attend event for both buy-side & sell-side executives within the media and advertising industry.