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Rethinking Mobile Engagement for Brands and Agencies

US adults spend a lot of time on mobile—about 4 hours, 33 minutes every day, according to eMarketer’s forecast. With the amount of time spent on mobile rising, marketers need to rethink how they engage with consumers.

Join us for a live Tech-Talk Webinar, presented by InMobi. Our guest will discuss how the mobile landscape has changed in recent years, and why mobile advertising is about much more than banner ads.

With a focus on attention metrics, ad formats, and new opportunities for advertisers and publishers, you’ll learn how to:

  • Incorporate the ways consumers interact with their devices into your next branding campaign
  • Connect with your audience using in-game, video, rewarded video, and rich media ads
  • Stand out among competitors by testing new mobile advertising innovations, including opportunities on the lock and home screens of mobile devices