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May 02 - May 02, 2023

Choose the Right Ad Tech Partner: 5 Signs You Might Be Settling for “Good Enough”


Choose the Right Ad Tech Partner: 5 Signs You Might Be Settling for “Good Enough”

The relationship between marketers and their ad tech partners is, well, complicated. If you’re sighing at your match rates and ROAS and saying, “every relationship has its slumps,” please know it doesn’t have to be that way. You—and your customers— deserve better. That’s something that eye-care retail leader Visionworks found out on its journey to building stronger customer relationships.

Hear directly from Stan Lippelman, CMO of Visionworks, and Matt Feczko, VP of product management at Epsilon, about Visionworks’ digital advertising challenges and how its ad tech partnership with Epsilon stays healthy and productive. You’ll find out:

  • Five red flags that you’re not getting what you need from your current provider

  • Essential capabilities to seek from your ad tech partner

  • How to navigate the ad tech partner selection process and key questions to ask