Feb 24 - Feb 24, 2023
The MRC accreditation process has been carefully designed to ensure participation, input and approval from a broad array of the organization’s members, representing different constituencies of media buyers and sellers, and to ensure adherence to industry agreed-upon standards for measurement. The result is a thorough and regimented structure for assessing and confirming a measurement provider’s compliance with standards.
Please join us on Friday, February 24th, at 1 PM ET, for a one-hour webinar where the MRC will take you through how this process was developed, why it was developed in the manner it was, the controls that are in place to ensure its integrity, and the details of how accreditation is applied to serve the needs of all segments of the advertising and media industries.
This special session will cover:
• How the accreditation process was developed and how it is applied
• The process controls that are in place
• The basis of the CPA audit that comprises the foundation of the accreditation process
• How accreditation decisions are voted upon
• How the MRC ensures that full industry representation in the accreditation process
• Q&A