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Jan 11, 2023

American Advertising Awards - Akron

American Advertising Awards - Akron

2023 American Advertising Awards

There will be NO in-person drop offs. No physical work will be
ALL work must be uploaded through the com
petition site.
Uploaded images will be used in the winners book and presentation
for all winning work. A pre-show reel of all submissions will play
during the awards show reception.

Requirements of each entry:

  • Upload a high-quality image file of the submission (JPG, PNG or PDF)

  • Submit a screenshot for electronic entries such as video, apps or websites

  • Video entries should be in a .MOV or .MPG4 file format and uploaded on the online system along with a 15 second cut of the entry

  • Include payment by CHECK (payable to AAF-Akron, and include “ADDY Entries” in the memo line) To pay by credit card (merchant fees applied), contact