Jan 15, 2023
Welcome to the 2022-23 Daytona Beach American Advertising Awards Entry Site!
The American Advertising Awards, home of the ADDY® Award, is one of the industry's largest creative competitions. The mission of the competition is to recognize and reward the creative spirit of excellence in advertising.
Conducted annually by the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the local Ad Club phase is the first of a three-tier, national competition. Each year approximately 35,000 professional and student entries from all across the country start by entering through their local clubs and vie to win ADDY Awards - recognition as the very best in their markets. At the second tier, local ADDY winners compete against winners from other local clubs in one of 15 district competitions. District ADDY winners are then forwarded to the third tier, the national stage of the American Advertising Awards. Entry in your local Ad Club competition is the first step toward winning a national ADDY.
Creatives Who Win Awards Are Seen As Talented Seasoned Professionals
Every year winner’s demonstrate the uniqueness of the American Advertising Awards because their work has not only received national honors, but has been recognized at local and regional levels as well.
Local award shows help make the ad industry a better place to work. It brings the community together, helps small agencies make a name for themselves, celebrate the entire team, improves the work we do, and inspires the next generation of creatives. Proceeds from the American Advertising Awards on all levels of competition go back into the industry through the work of the AAF and its members, especially in the areas of advertising education and public service advertising.
Entering the Daytona Beach competition is the FIRST step to winning a National ADDY!