Feb 16 - Feb 16, 2023
What does it look like to be a best-in-class insights team?
Insights teams should be the heartbeat of an organization — informing practically every strategic business decision from product development and innovation to pricing and advertising.
But not every insights team is set up for success. From limited resources to outdated tools, insights teams are often unable to meet all of the executives' needs for timely, robust insights.
To combat this, your MRX team (regardless of size or level of expertise) will need to adopt four key criteria that can enable you to become a best-in-class insights department, and elevate yourself and the role of insights by supporting executives' agendas with high-quality insights for every decision they need to make.
Join GreenBook and quantilope for a powerful roundtable discussion where you’ll discover key criteria to develop stand-out insights departments, and explore practical tactics to position your in-house research teams as critical strategic partners.
What You’ll Learn: