Oct 31 - Oct 31, 2023
This is the second workshop in the ANA’s Effective Shopper Marketing Program, a two-part series. To achieve mastery in this topic we encourage you to register for both workshops in the series, however you may register for any workshop that best fits your needs.
Shopper Marketing is more than just tactical approaches to boosting sales using coupons and the like. It is a powerful marketing communication discipline that drives Shopper Behaviors for a desired outcome.
In fact, when properly executed, Shopper Marketing is THE discipline that formally allows sales impact activities (even short term) to be aligned with brand strategies for long term brand building purpose.
For Shopper Marketing to deliver its full potential and power, it is critical to have the proper foundations in place by selecting the “right” shopper marketing objectives on the “right” shopper target and with the “right” expectations for shopper behavior change. Without the right foundations, a campaign can lose direction or focus and end up trying to achieve too many outcomes, or the wrong outcomes, or worse--end up being everything but a Shopper Marketing campaign.
In this workshop, you will build upon your first exposure to the 9-step Shopper Marketing Planning Process (from the Effective Shopper Marketing Workshop 101) by digging deeper into the planning steps to develop Shopper Marketing objectives, Shopper Targets, and Shopper Behavior changes that work.
You will learn:
Shopper Marketing professionals and educators will facilitate this engaging, interactive, practice-driven workshop. In addition, as co-authors of a book on this subject, they have surveyed the Shopper Marketing industry to develop a clear step-by-step planning process to align Shopper Marketing with Marketing and develop effective Shopper Marketing campaigns.
This workshop is the second installment in a six-part series entitled the “ANA Effective Shopper Marketing Mastery Program”.