Feb 16 - Feb 16, 2023
The Brief is the Roadmap for the Creative Process. The output may be a commercial, print campaign, convention display, detail aid, digital campaign, or a totally integrated Marketing Campaign. Regardless, a well-crafted, “tight” Brief provides the required clarity and direction to focus efforts, minimize frustration, and accelerate the entire development process. Marketing Communications development is part art, part science. There is no guarantee that the output of our process will be brilliant. However, the presence of a well-crafted Brief at the outset of the process will provide us with the greatest chance for success in this highly competitive marketplace.
This is an “active learning” program. The workshop includes “best practices” examples, concepts, and techniques from a wide variety of industries and disciplines. Each has been vetted in actual workplace experience. This workshop is not about theory and it is not an academic exercise. This workshop is about learning and doing.
Additionally, the program provides a Tool Kit of easily applied, yet powerful and strategically relevant tools that drive results.
Target Audience
Marketers responsible for Agency relationship and those charged with Marketing Communications development, regardless of medium. The term “Agency” refers not merely to traditional Advertising Agencies, but any creative partner, internal or external.
Further, Workshop is appropriate for Marketing Management responsible for the overall communications – marketing budget, Agency compensation, selection, assessment. Ideally, program presented to joint Brand – Agency teams, as well as those in related areas, eg. Market Research, Public Relations, Sales Management, Marketing Communications – Strategic Planning.