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Feb 09 - Feb 09, 2023

Ethics Policy


Free Event 
Brand Marketing , Privacy , AI/ML
Host User
Ethics Policy

2:00 pm – 2:10 pm ET:
Welcome and Introductions

  • Judy Macior | Chair of Ethics Policy Committee | Operational Risk Director | Experian Automotive

2:10 pm – 2:40 pm ET:
Privacy, Privacy & Privacy: What’s Next in 2023
Privacy continues to be the buzz word for regulators, legislators, and consumers. ANA’s Government Relations team will share what’s happening at the federal and state levels in privacy and forecast where privacy will be heading in 2023.

  • David Buzby | Senior Director | ANA | Government Relations
  • Travis Frazier |Manager | ANA | Government Relations

2:40 pm – 2:50 pm ET:
ANA Ethics Code/Best Practices: Review and Ethics Policy Involvement
As leaders in ethics and marketing, be at the forefront of developing a code of ethics for all marketers in our industry. Senny will share our high priority project for 2023 and how you can be involved in this effort.

  • Senny Boone | SVP | ANA Nonprofit Federation & Center for Ethical Marketing

2:50 pm – 3:20 pm ET:
Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Considerations for Brands and Organizations
Join Michael Gorriarán of Arjuna Solutions, a major Artificial Intelligence services provider for organizations, to learn the latest ethical challenges with AI and solutions that you may not have factored into your planning for this upcoming year. AI can be both a blessing and a curse if not used properly and with ethical factors in mind. Michael has been thinking and working on AI-driven solutions and can offer practical tips as we look ahead to ethical concerns this year.

  • Michael Gorriarán | President | Arjuna Solutions

3:20 – 3:30 pm ET:
Member Roundtable Discussion & Wrap Up
Engage with your fellow committee members in open discussion around issues and challenges in the realm of marketing and ethics. Come prepared to share! This is your opportunity to ask questions and connect with others in this field.

  • Senny Boone | SVP ANA Nonprofit Federation & Center for Ethical Marketing (Facilitator)
  • Lisa Brown Shosteck | Consulting Director | ANA Center for Ethical Marketing