Jan 19 - Jan 19, 2023
This workshop is the fourth workshop in the “Effective Brand Management Mastery Program,” a four-part virtual workshop series designed to give you a broad exposure to all facets and levels of Brand Management. If you want to achieve mastery and attend the four-part series (EBM Mastery Program 101, 201, 301, and 401), you will receive a Certificate of Completion to display your expertise and accomplishment. Qualified participants must be present for the entire time for each workshop, attend all four workshops in sequential order (there are no substitutions of past or future workshops), and complete the survey for each workshop.
(Half Day Workshop)
Research suggests that the highest performing companies link everything that they do to their brand purpose. Most marketing teams find it challenging to execute their plan across multiple touchpoints in a way which is seamless for the customer.
This workshop is focused on the practicalities of integrated marketing execution. We will explore techniques for ensuring a joined-up approach across the organization, study examples of best practice and tools for measurement, and learn techniques for breaking down silos to drive results. The workshop culminates with attendees applying the learnings to a real-world example for their own organization.
*Previous participation in the ANA workshop “Integrated Marketing Planning for Effective Brand Management” is a requirement for taking this workshop.
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is for marketers at all levels that want to improve the effectiveness of their marketing planning and get greater impact for their investment.