Mar 21 - Mar 22, 2023
The finding from Havas Media Group's 2021 Meaningful Brands report is both shocking and distressing: 75 percent of brands could disappear and consumers wouldn't care, or would easily find a replacement. This, despite the work of organizations to connect with consumers throughout their day.
How the world has changed. While consumers still value fair pricing, quality products, proactive service, and other basics of business, their expectations of brands are higher than ever. This is reflected in countless studies that show consumers want brands to act on social and political issues, to act for the good of society and the planet, and (like nonprofit organizations) to place purpose at the heart of all they do rather than focus solely on quarterly metrics. Unfortunately, the same Havas study found that 71 percent of consumers don't believe brands will deliver on their societal promises — which may be why they deem those brands so replaceable.
In the face of this consumer cynicism, how do marketers demonstrate what their brands are doing for the betterment of humanity to deepen brand love and loyalty? What can the industry learn from the mission-led nonprofit sector about doing good in an authentic, intentional, and results-oriented way for their donors? Which case studies will showcase the path forward for brands and organizations seeking to be a force for good?