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Oct 27, 2022

Campaign Asia 40 Under 40

Campaign Asia 40 Under 40

40 Under 40 2022: Now open for nominations

Calling all rising stars and those destined to make a big mark in APAC's marketing, media and advertising arena: Nominations are now open for our ninth-annual list of standouts.

Campaign Asia-Pacific is delighted to open nominations for the 2022 edition of 40 Under 40.

Every year since 2013, Campaign Asia-Pacific's 40 Under 40 has highlighted and celebrated the achievements of up-and-coming leaders in marketing, media and communications in the Asia-Pacific region. By focusing on people who are already making a mark—and are on the cusp of making an even bigger impact—we've spotlighted many people who have indeed gone on to bigger and more impressive things. If you don't believe us, just peruse the people highlighted in the past 40 Under 40 classes listed below.

What we're looking for

We are looking for people who have inspirational stories. People who can rightly boast about undeniable business achievements. People who are passionate about helping to drive the industry forward—not just in terms of business success but also in terms of the welfare of the people working in the industry, in terms of making the industry welcoming to people currently exlcuded from it, and in terms of making their communities and the world better places. Successful nominees will have proven successes in the past 12 months, a strong trajectory in their own careers, an ability to lead others to perform and an ability to inspire.

Does that sound like you, or someone you know? We invite you to put forward yourself, or up to two people from your own regional agency network or company.


Nominations will be submitted using the nomination form links below.

The deadlines are as follows:

Early-bird deadline: Friday, October 7

Regular deadline: Friday, October 14

Late-entry deadline: Thursday, October 20

Extended deadline: Thursday, October 27

On all deadline dates, entries will be accepted until 23:59 SG/HK (GMT+8)

The entry fee—US$415 for early birds, US$467 up until the regular deadline, and US$488 for late entries—includes a one-year membership with Campaign Asia-Pacific, which can be assigned to the nominee, the nominator or another person. You can find more details about the benefits of membership here and direct any questions about membership here.

Once nominations have closed, Campaign Asia-Pacific's senior editorial team will carefully read, analyse and discuss (and discuss and discuss) every entry to select the 40 nominees we believe are the most impressive and deserving of this commendation. Those selected as the most exceptional rising stars will be honoured with in-depth profiles, which will be featured in Campaign Asia-Pacific and shared across all our channels. Publication is slated for mid-November. 

Eligibility details

To be considered, nominees:

  • Must be based in Asia Pacific.
  • Must be holding a job in an industry directly related to advertising and marketing. This means that in addition to a brand or agency, the nominee can work for a media company, a technology firm, a startup, an event company—so long as their role relates to marketing, advertising and/or communications.
  • Must have been aged 39 or under through September 30, 2022 (inclusive). This translates to a birth date of October 1 1982, or later.

Important notes:

  • You may nominate up to two people from your company or agency per market that your company operates in. To be clear, this means that if you are with a company that has multiple brands/agencies, you can nominate up to two people per brand/agency per market.
  • While we will consider candidates who have appeared in 40 Under 40 before, or in other Campaign Asia-Pacific listings, such as Women to Watch and the Asia-Pacific Power List, we do ask that candidates wait until 2023 if they have already been featured in any of these lists within the last 12 months. If, however, the candidate will no longer meet the age requirements in a year’s time, we will consider the nomination this year.