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Dec 16, 2022

Emerging Media Award

Emerging Media Award

Recognizing Visionaries in Our New Forms of Media

The Summit Emerging Media Award evolved through a need to recognize and celebrate creativity, innovation, and those pushing the bounds of creative excellence in all newer forms of emerging media.

Traditionally, advertising has focused strictly on the big idea. Today, advertising needs to break new ground to keep up with the ever-changing pace. This award recognizes communications that keep pace with our times through innovative use of new media. Compete on a global stage, with an international panel of judges and creative from all over the world.

Summit Emerging Media Award

This award is for the marketers, coders, designers, developers, innovators, visionaries, and leaders in this exciting new realm of advertising. We offer recognition for introducing new methods, directing and helping to set the pace for emerging media, and demonstrating excellence on the web — through apps, mobile advertising, videos, mobile sites, and social media.


The Summit Emerging Media Award is open to all-size organizations and creative communication professionals.

Judging Scope

Method – Uniqueness, audience reach, strategy

Innovation – Visual design/creativity, graphical user interface, interaction design/functionality, user experience, audience reach.

Information – Marketing message integration, audience appeal, user appeal.