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Jan 05 - Jan 05, 2023

The Year AHead


London, England
Host Invite 
Media Planning , Media Marketing
Host User
The Year AHead

Why 2023 is the year for meaningful change The Year Ahead is the incredibly popular invite-only networking event for senior professionals from across the media industry, which sees panellists give their views on key media issues from the year, and their predictions for the year ahead. This year we bring together the leading minds in media to come together to discuss to not only discuss the next 12-months and reflect on what the challenge we face as an industry, but it is also when The Media Leader will start asking some serious questions around the three key topics the industry asked us to champion in 2023: Sustainability, Trust In Media, and the Talent Crisis. The event will feature four prominent industry figures who will join Mediatel Group CEO, to offer their insight, thoughts and hopes as we start the new year and come together to celebrate our great industry.