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Apr 27 - Apr 27, 2022

App Growth Masterminds SF 2022


App Growth Masterminds SF 2022

App Growth Masterminds SF is not like our regular App Growth Summits. This new, more intimate format has been very popular, because it’s one part idea-exchange, one part brainstorming, and all-around fun! All while creating connections in a new, fresh, and positive environment conducive to ideation, networking, and knowledge sharing.

Limited to 50 Experts
Fully-Immersive Format
Open & Honest Closed-Door Discussions

App Growth Masterminds SF is invite-only, and limited only to leaders in the Mobile App Growth industry who were actively looking to improve their app success and the industry as a whole by sharing real off-the-record information and strategies together.

Network & Connect with Fellow Experts
Learn What’s Working (& What’s Not) with Others
Personalized Brainstorming & Ideation